Monday, September 22, 2008


"Maybe you teach this class? It starts... now. Here is the reference book."
When a Chinese English teacher approaches me with a statement like this, all I want to say is, "Look, most foreign teachers like myself haven't ever taught in the past nor are they likely to in the future, meaning I can't wing it. So, if you don't want me to teach the lesson that I prepared then how about handing me that damn reference book a day in advance. Maybe you teach instead."

"I forget to tell you; you have basketball. They will practice. It started at 5:00. You go now, you are late. You must practice. You will be the ace."
I haven't played basketball on an organized team in 10 years. I am horrible at this sport and any other organized sport that requires constant motion. The reason being I have absolutely no stamina to speak of. Sure, ultimate frisbee was fun and I could throw a decent backhand off the field, but I could never run fast enough to successfully block or catch a toss during a game. Basketball is the same way, the only thing I do semi-well is shooting free throws, which ain't going to get me anywhere on the court. Baseball is suited more to my liking--the pace being nice and slow. I also enjoy snowboarding in which gravity is really the only thing you need to get your ass down the mountain.